lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Leighton Marissa

Leighton Marissa was born in 1989 in Fort Worth, Texas, when her  mother was serving a jail sentence for the part in marijuana- smuggling. Marissa spent her early in Marco Island,Florida with her grandparents.There she made her stage debut in a production of "The Wizar of Oz".She  moved to New York with her mother at the age of 11 and started working as a model and appering in TV comercials. The first time I saw2 her was onTV.

Her physical description is that she has brown hair with curls, she is 1.68 metres tall, she has brown eyes, she always use blocks and sometimes normal shoes, one time she was using brackets and she is very similar to her mother.

Her personal description is like a normal person, quite person but at the same time talkative, smiling person,friendly, crazy and some times she is depresive and she got angry easy.

Her hobbies and interests are, her hobbies acting and modeling an she is really interested in model and action such as in a movie, series or play. Her series and songs are "Gossip girl" and "Somebody to Love". My personal opinion about Marissa is that she is very pretty person, singer and actrize and I really love her.

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